Friday, August 23, 2013

Lesson 1 Blog

After watching the videos on brain architecture, plasticity, and understanding the impact of the environment on a child it will impact me as a teacher by making me more aware of the impact I truly have on each child in my classroom.  Everyday as they come to my class I know that am a key player in sculpting their brain and molding them into the person they will grow up to be.  I always knew from my experience in school how important each teacher I had was in my life, however I never fully understood why.  With the knowledge from the videos I will forever have the image of the sculpting brain and will know that I will have a hand in changing my students and I will decide to try my hardest to be nothing but a positive experience in their life.

1 comment:

  1. A very interesting insight about your own childhood experiences regarding what you felt about your teachers...I think this is really key for our understanding as it is pointedly our students' perspectives...they don't know the pedagogical reasons behind what we do, but they sure know what it all feels like!
