Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Lesson 6 - Music and Math

In this lesson I learned how important the skill of estimation is.  I never realized that it had found that the ability to estimate lead to higher test scores.  Another thing that I found very interesting about this video was how you should point out everyday how math can be used.  You can play games that involve counting and math, you can have children estimate the number of objects, and you can call attention when math is used without the child even knowing it.  Math is everywhere and when you teach that to children I feel like they will not ask themselves "Why do I even need math?" in the future.
In this video I found the information about the Mozart Effect to be very interesting.  I have heard about this study in the past however never took the time to research it.  I was amazed to find that the effect only lasted for 15 minutes.  I also found the information about listening to upbeat happy music before taking a test can actually improve your test score if taken immediately after listening to the music.  I can use this information in my classroom by trying different techniques before taking tests.  I can compare the test scores of those tests without music before the test to those after listening to the upbeat music to find what works for my classroom.

1 comment:

  1. I love your graphic at the top! Talk about a great way to communicate the idea that math is everywhere! I think what's really important about math instruction at all grade levels is to immerse students in concept the early years, this is Number Sense. How do you see the universiality of math as being the related critical thinking and problem solving skills that come from high quality math instruction? How are these elements more important for students' overall math mastery and engagement as well as learning in any content area as compared to the actual math content? Is one more valuable than the other or are they bidirectional?
