Sunday, November 10, 2013

Blogging.....The Sky is the Limit

Now that I have created my own blog and used it throughout the class this semester I found how easy it would be to communicate information to a large group of people.  I think that having a classroom blog where I could communicate the material that we learned for the day and tips for parents to help their students study the material would not only help me be a successful teacher but help in getting the parents linked to our classroom.  It would be an easy way for me to announce upcoming events and even the needs for the classroom.  The sky is the limit with blogs and I fell it is a great way to open the door to communication.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Teenage Brain

Knowing that teens lack adult reasoning capacity will make me more understanding of their impulsive actions as a teacher.  I now have the understanding that teens are unable to fully reason the consequences of their actions since their frontal lobe, which is responsible for reasoning, sound judgment and problem solving, is not mature until the age 20 to 25.
I also have taken away the knowledge that teenagers react more with their emotions since they are acting from their amygdala most of the time.  I know that they will misinterpret my actions as a teacher and there may come times that I have to explain my reasoning to them so that they fully understand my intentions.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Lesson 6 - Music and Math

In this lesson I learned how important the skill of estimation is.  I never realized that it had found that the ability to estimate lead to higher test scores.  Another thing that I found very interesting about this video was how you should point out everyday how math can be used.  You can play games that involve counting and math, you can have children estimate the number of objects, and you can call attention when math is used without the child even knowing it.  Math is everywhere and when you teach that to children I feel like they will not ask themselves "Why do I even need math?" in the future.
In this video I found the information about the Mozart Effect to be very interesting.  I have heard about this study in the past however never took the time to research it.  I was amazed to find that the effect only lasted for 15 minutes.  I also found the information about listening to upbeat happy music before taking a test can actually improve your test score if taken immediately after listening to the music.  I can use this information in my classroom by trying different techniques before taking tests.  I can compare the test scores of those tests without music before the test to those after listening to the upbeat music to find what works for my classroom.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Reading and Language

After watching the videos on language and reading the information I learned will impact me as a teacher because I will be able to have clear milestones for my students.  I also have a better understanding of dyslexia and the challenges that students may have.

Another aspect of the videos that will impact me as a teacher is the knowledge that when I am speaking to my students and interacting with them no matter if it is educationally or playfully I am contributing to their language and reading development.  I can better their skills by using more complex language, answering their questions when asked and asking my own to help develop their skills, and as I already knew reading to my students is also a huge contributor to their skills. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Lesson 4

What does it mean to be relational as a teacher? How will you interact with your students to accomplish this?

To be a relational teacher is to connect with each of the students.  It is to create a positive relationship with the students so that they feel that they can succeed and know that you are there to support them through their educational journey. 

To accomplish this with my future students I plan to be their number one cheerleader.  I will truly care that each child succeed in  my classroom.  I will be there everyday to pick them up when they fall, encourage them to try harder, praise them when they do good, and push them to achieve more.  When they are having a difficult time whether it be about the classroom material or an issue that is causing them not to give me their full attention I will be an ear to listen.  I will do my best to accomplish a trusting, caring, loving, and encouraging environment. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Lesson 3 - Attention, Emotions and Learning

After watching the videos on attention, emotions and learning I am able to take away information that will help me when I become a teacher.  I feel that I am better able to recognize when there may be a true problem with a child's attention level and the signs and symptoms that I should be looking for.  I also know that it is very important to keep and open line of communication with the child's parents to see if they notice the same behavior in other settings.  If a problem is detected I can then seek the guidance of the school psychologist or nurse to get the child the help they need to have a productive educational career. 

I also learned how important it is that the children have a stable environment that is not high in stress so that they do not have an increased level of cortisol for any length of time.  I have a better understand that stress is a normal part of life however if a child lives in a stressful environment it can have a lifelong impact on their brain.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Lesson 2 Blog


After watching the videos on Vision and Hearing I will use the information I acquired by watching for the warning signs that the students may have a problem with their vision.  I will also not assume that all of my students can hear perfectly and may need some one on one attention to guarantee that they fully understand the assignments and the material covered in class.  I will also use the information to educate my parents as to why I may believe their child is having problems in these areas and try and help direct them to get the proper medical attention for their child.